I am a member of the Kerava City Council. In the party field, the Green Party’s ideology aligns best with my values, although I do not always agree with everything. However, it has been a pleasure to see that, for example, the Green Party’s energy policy has gained some new nuances, and my thoughts align quite well with the theses of the Finnish Greens for Science and Technology.
I have been active in the communities around me all my life: in student councils, associations, and housing co-operatives. In my youth, I even served one term on the Kerava Church Council. I am interested in the events happening around me, and participating to influence is a natural way for me to act. In my work, I am involved in projects related to system integrations, where cooperation with other people plays a central role.
I believe in decision-making based on facts and researched knowledge. In politics, it is also necessary to understand opinions that differ from one’s own, but decisions must always be based on sustainable grounds. Matters should be handled with reason, even if it sometimes feels unpleasant. In recent years, Kerava has maintained strict financial discipline, and that’s a good thing. However, we are on the verge of major real estate investments, and it is important to keep common sense in financial matters in the future as well. I say no to populist point-scoring.
Municipal decision-making is not an individual sport. Cooperation and compromises must be made across party lines. The transparency of decision-making should be further increased, and the information and influence opportunities of residents should be improved. The municipality reflects its residents, and that’s why we need everyone, regardless of age, gender, or skin color. The social safety nets must be built in such a way that those in weaker positions are taken care of collectively.
I am a fourth-generation resident of Kerava, and through previous generations, the history of our city has gained significant importance. I believe that politics should be conducted with a long-term perspective so that Kerava remains the best place to live for future generations as well. I do not want to be profiled as a councilor for a specific group of people or generation, but rather strive to equally promote the interests of Kerava.
Our generation, which is in a decision-making position, must do everything we can to ensure that future generations have the opportunity to enjoy nature and a green Kerava. I believe that climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our lifetime to solve. This should also be reflected at the municipal level by supporting choices that align with the principle of sustainable development. The economy can temporarily flex and recover, but the probabilities with the environment are not as great.